John 21:25 And there are also many other things that Jesus did, which if they were written on by one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that would be written. Amen Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Isaiah...
Articles for July 2021
Mark 16:15 And He said to them “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” The gospel is the good news of Jesus our Savior. The apostles went out and taught how this Jesus had come into the world to save those who are lost...
Believe ?
How often do we decide that our prayers are not being answered because God isn’t doing things the way we believe they are supposed to be? Because what is happening does not line up with what we have been told or believed? How often do we complain and try...
I love the book of Matthew. I have read it many times but since it is the book of the Bible we will be studying in the fall in Bible Study Fellowship I have been going through it and what God has given me has made me so excited....
God knew there was going to be a famine in all the land. God did not stop the famine but sent Joseph ahead and trained him so that His people would be preserved during the famine. Genesis 45:7 And God sent me before you to preserve a posterity for...
Isaiah 45:5 I am the Lord, and there is no other; There is no God besides me. That they may know from the rising of the sun to its setting that there is none besides Me. I am the Lord there is no other; I form the light and...