
We know evil exists. We know demons exist. How do we fight against these things? How do we resist temptation? Jesus taught us how to do this by example; for it is written. Let’s look at each one of these examples of “it is written.” Matthew 3:3-4 Now the...


God changes the world by changing me! One me at a time! Luke 17:20-21 Now when He was asked by the pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, He answered them and said, “The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say ‘See here!’...


Do we as Christ followers remember what God has done for us? Do we remember the great and the small? Do we look for God’s glory in our trials? Do we see only the bad? Do we step forward with only the little we have to give? Are we...


Those of us who say we are Christ followers are called to live in peace with all people. We are called to walk-in Jesus likeness. Jesus was not proud but a humble servant. Jesus did not force Himself or His way on others. Jesus drew people to Him by...

Evil Begets Evil:

How do we reward evil for good? Proverbs 17:13 Who ever rewards evil for good, evil will not depart from his house. Do we reward those who gossip by listening to gossip? Do we reward those who have no self control of their behavior or their words by continuing...


What do we think of when we hear this term? What should we think of when we hear this term? Is there no life after birth? Are we to stop caring after a child is born? Is there not hypocrisy in demanding a child be born yet not providing...

Our Neighbor?

Who is our neighbor? Whom do we think is our neighbor? The one who lives next door? The one living in our town? In our community? Those in the whole earth? God told us throughout the Old Testament that we are to treat the stranger among us as one...