
What are we teaching our children? God did not shy away from teaching about sex, disease, stealing, taking responsibility, righteous behavior towards others. God’s word teaches these things for the health and benefit of His people. Will we learn from our Creator that knows all things and teach our...

The Way:

The Bible gives us a history lesson of God’s way and His people. Will we heed it? 1 Corinthians 10:11 Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come. We were left a...

The Cost?

Have we counted the cost? Do we count the cost? Jesus gave us two examples of counting cost: One was of a builder who would know his cost before he started to build so that he could finish the building after he has started it. Another is of a...


Do we really want to be just like Jesus? If we answer yes to this question then in every situation should we not ask, “What would Jesus do?” John 14:15 If you love Me keep My commandments. Jesus taught in some parables. In the parable of the tares and...


The Time is now. Throughout the Old Testament God revealed to His prophets the coming of His only begotten Son Christ Jesus. There is the prophecy of the coming of Christ and the things that would happen and how before Christ came. In Daniel it is written to seal...


God’s word tells us to live in peace with all men (Romans 12:18). To set an example for unbelievers that in the day He visits them, tugs at their hearts they may hear (1 Peter 2:12). Are we doing these things today? What does living in peace with others...

Hold Fast?

Are we holding fast to Jesus teaching? Are we being swayed by those who want power to tell us where to shop, who we should think is good or bad, and what we are to believe? Do we really know Jesus teaching or are we making it up as...