God created all things in six days and blessed all He created. God gave the seventh day for rest. Genesis 2:2-3 And on the seventh day God ended His WORK which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His WORK which He had done....
Articles for December 2023
Thank you!
To all who follow this site I pray God leads and keeps you in His love and Care. Merry Christmas!
Jesus paid the cost for us all. If we choose to tell others how they have to live their lives, what they can and cannot do or make choices for them should we not then have the responsibility of paying the cost of taking care of them? God promised...
God gave Moses the Ten Commandments for His chosen people. The law was set forth for them for their good. The law would help them live in peace and bring life to them. We love God by obeying God’s laws. Is there any one of us who can say,...
Children of God?
Look around. Today we can carry around a small device in our hand that we can get any information from, call someone on the other side of the world and see them on a screen. We have doctors who can do surgery with a robot to save lives. We...
Where is God? Where do we believe we have to go to find God? Where do we believe we need to be to worship God? Is God Emanuel, God with us or is God an idol we have set up in a building to be visited? Jesus went to...
What is freedom? Freedom: the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. What is religious freedom? Religious Freedom: is a fundamental human right and the first among rights guaranteed by the United States Constitution. It is the right to think, express...
How important are words? Genesis 1:3 THEN GOD SAID, Let there be light;” and there was light. Genesis 1:6 THEN GOD SAID, “Let there be a firmament in the mist of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.” Genesis 1:9 THEN GOD SAID, ” Let...
How good is our judgement? Can we see every detail of every situation? Can we read the heart of man as Jesus does? We can learn from cause and effect. Yet, I confess it has taken a few times for me in some situations before I get that the...