When I heard in my spirit, “Take every thought captive,” I said, “Lord , we have billions of thoughts every minute, how can I do this?” I struggle every day. When we pray God answers! Praying Psalm 19:14 can bring this struggle to the front. Psalm 19:14 Let the...
Articles for August 2024
This one I have struggled with. We are told works can’t get us to heaven and we are told there will be a reward for our works. The only conclusion I have been able to come to, is that it is a heart condition. What are our motives for...
Jesus came to seek and to save those who are lost. Are we seeking to win souls? Do our words and actions win souls? Our country was founded on FREEDOM of Religion; because of the religious persecution they fled from to come to this country, they wanted to be...
When God brought the Hebrews out of Egypt He gave Moses the Ten Commandments, the foundation of God’s people! When Jesus asked Peter who he thought He is Peter confessed that Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus told Peter He would build His church upon him and the...
The church of Smyrna and Philadelphia were persecuted by not only those outside but by those who said they were Jews, but were not; they were of the synagogue of satan. Remember, satan doesn’t come with horns and a pitchfork but with lies, half truths, and temptations. Often the...
Stumbling Blocks?
The church of Pergamos had a problem with some who held the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balak to put stumbling blocks before the children of Israel. As believers we are to speak the truth of God’s word and not make up our own rules. The pharisees and sadducees...
The Corrupt Church?
God warned the church of Thyatira of letting those who would lead them astray or tempt them in sin remain without consequence. A little leaven leavens the whole lump. God was warning them that He had given this person time to repent and they had not, yet God was...
Are we alive? The church of Sardis was in a city that was well protected by steep cliffs and was wealthy and there was much luxury. There was idol worship and much sin in this city. They thought the city could not be breached. On the surface those of...
The church of Ephesus had left its first love. When we say church this is not a building but God’s people. A building cannot leave its first love. How do we leave our first love? The Ephesians were diligent workers for Jesus but they got caught up in doing...
The Laodiceans lived in the very wealthy city of Laodicea and felt they had no need of any thing. They were described as lukewarm. There water supply was piped in and the water was lukewarm so they understood this description. We might understand it as being on the fence....