As Christ followers we would know the story of Moses and that he was chosen to lead the Hebrews out of Egypt to a new land. Have we read carefully the circumstances of the Hebrew’s / Israelite’s that God made a way out of Egypt for them? The king...
True Leaders?
True leaders put those they lead before themselves, their needs before their own. Who are we following? Who will we choose to follow? Jesus laid down His life for ours. Jesus lead in love and peace. Jesus fed the five thousand, healed the sick and forgave freely. 1 John...
God is love! If love is patient and love is kind where is our patience? Where is our kindness? If Jesus fed the five thousand and healed the sick. Where is our kindness? Where is our love? If there was no hate, no malice, and no deceit found in...
Did Jesus call His disciples to lead, teach, heal, in the gospel? Did Jesus call His disciples to force anyone to believe in Him? The word gospel means good news. Mark 16:15 Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. Matthew 7:6 Do not cast...
False Doctrine?
Should we not turn away from one who teaches / tells us to believe, agree, or do things that go against God’s word, God’s teaching? Do we search God’s word for His truth? God’s way? It is a scary thing to go against what God has taught us. Malachi...
How do those of us who say we are christians hinder others from believing? By our words? By our actions? By not knowing God’s word and walking in it? By thinking we are entitled to put others down and demand they believe as we do? Are we true Jesus...
Each generation moves forward in time. Do we remember times, and seasons that have happened and gone before? How many of us are interested in history? God gave us an historical account that beautifully teaches His way. Are we listening? Ecclesiastes 1:9-11 That which has been is what will...
Counting? Complaining?
How much time do we spend counting our blessings? How much time do we spend complaining? Psalm 103:1-5 Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy name! Bless the Lord, O my soul and forget not all His benefits: Who forgives all...
God knows all things. Do we think anything is hidden from God? Do we believe God will not expose and punish our hidden sins? Ezekiel 9:4-6 And the Lord said to him, “Go through the midst of Jerusalem, and put a mark on the foreheads of the men who...
God’s Word?
Do we pick and choose what we want from God’s word? Do we rely on the preacher, the teacher, or social media to tell us what to believe? Do we search the scriptures to know God’s truth? Do we look into the whole of God’s word? God gave His...