God’s mercy. We have all received God’s mercy, God’s grace at some time in our life. In the face of death and destruction, with life seemingly coming apart, Jeremiah turns tragedy into a triumph of faith. Laminations 3:20-23 My soul still remembers and sinks within me. This I recall...
What comes to mind when we hear the word missionary? Are we not all missionaries? Jesus sent His disciples to their own people first, Jesus came to His own first. Love your neighbor as yourself. Matthew 10:5-6 These twelve Jesus sent out and commanded them saying: “Do not go...
Holy Spirit?
How do we know if what we hear or think is from God, The Holy Spirit? What does God’s word say? What did Jesus say about the Holy Spirit? John 16:13-15 However when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth, for He...
How is our foundation? Are we building our foundation with the right tools? Jesus foundation is with God the Father, God’s word. Jesus fought with, “It is written.” Can we speak the good news to those who are in need of the perfect physician? Can we also shake off...
Freedom of Religion?
Over two hundred years ago men from many different nations came together; again came together to put the Constitution of the United States together. They did a pretty good job. They guaranteed the citizens of this country Freedom of Religion! God gave these men wisdom to put this together....
Do we want a leader like Jesus or a leader like the pharisees and Judas wanted? The people believed their Messiah, their King would rescue them from the Roman rule. They were not expecting someone who would lay down His life so they may have eternal life with God....
Dying to Self?
This phrase came about some time ago and has been used in different ways. What does God’s word say about this? How can we understand? The word says we are none without sin. If we are none without sin and God hates sin would it not mean when we...
How often do we sit in the judgement seat? How well do we take correction? How well do we do at giving correction? What does God say about correction? Proverbs 12:1 Whoever loves instruction loves knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid. Proverbs 3:11-12 My son, do not...
Do we know Jesus? Do we know God the Father? Will we seek to know them? Will we follow blindly like sheep to the slaughter a preacher, teacher, politician, or another who claims to know God? Do we follow blindly? Will we follow the Good Shepherd? The sadducees who...
Knowledge? Understanding? Wisdom?
As we grow and go through life we learn. Our quality of life can be improved if we gain knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. God did not leave us on our own. God gave us prophets, men of God that He gave knowledge, understanding, and wisdom and we have this...