
How often do we ignore God’s blessings, or healings, or provision because we have decided how they should come?

2 Kings 5:10-11 And Elisha sent a messenger to him, saying, “Go wash in the Jordon seven times, and your flesh shall be restored to you, and you shall be clean.” But Naaman became furious, and went away and said, “Indeed I said to myself, ‘He will surely come out to me, and stand and call on the name of the Lord his God, and wave his hand over the place and heal the leprosy.’

John 9:6-7 When He had said these things, He spat on the ground and made clay with the saliva; and He anointed the eyes of the blind man with clay. and He said to him, “Go wash in the pool of Siloam” (which is translated, Sent).

Jesus performed many miracles as gifts of healing as well as Elijah, Elisha, and any other God chose or chooses to send. God has given us all a purpose from the least to the greatest. This is by God’s design for the whole. Who are we to refuse His gift however it comes? If Naaman had not relented and did as Elisha said he would have died of his leprosy, if the blind man had not gone and washed he would have never seen. We have been given tools to help us stay well during this time. Are we to reject them because they were not sent the way we thought they should come?

Lord, thank You for taking notice of Your people and answering our prayers. Please give us wisdom in all Your gifts to know and receive them with thanksgiving. In Jesus name amen.

Published by Angelia

I am God's work in progress. God's word says "be holy as I am holy." The only way to accomplish this is to turn our lives over to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I have found that this is a learning process but begins with a real desire to know Him. My prayer is Lord keep me on your paths of righteousness bringing glory and honor to your name.