Proverbs 6:19 A false witness who speaks lies, and one who sows discord among brethren.
This scripture is one of the seven things that God hates. God’s word says we will give an account of every idle word we speak. We are to speak to lift up and encourage each other. If some one has offended us we are to go directly to God first and then after prayer to that person not our friends. When we do we are to go in love and gentleness least we fall into the same situation. How often do we complain about some one who upset us or hurt our feelings to other people? When we do this we are sowing discord among our brethren. These seeds take root and cause others to think badly of the person in question even if it was just a misunderstanding or some quirk that you didn’t like about them. We all miss speak, we all get our feelings hurt at times. What kind of seeds do we want to sow? Do we want to bless and not curse?
Thank You Lord for Your Words of wisdom.
Help us to bring our hurt, disappointment, and anger to You for You are trustworthy and wise. Teach us to listen and acknowledge our own beams and specks and not discuss others beams and specks. Help us to be a safe person that keeps others privately spoken words between You and ourselves in prayer. Help ups to encourage each other along this journey.
In Jesus name amen